By Meagan Bergem

 "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it (1 Cor. 12:27)." 

In the middle of January twenty-one Jr. High students and five leaders participated in Sugar Pine Christian Camp's Winter Camp Retreat. The theme this year was "Unite." I do not believe it is a coincidence that this is a similar theme to the 21-day fast. God's Spirit is at work in the midst of his people.

  As you can imagine, the weekend consisted of some very energetic and excited Jr. High students. Can you blame them, unlike me who has been jaded to snowy weather growing up in the mid-west, these students could not contain themselves. Their highlights were  eating pints of Thrifty ice-cream and sledding. Although there was little sleep and lots of cold rain, God was working in the hearts and minds our youth and leaders.

 We studied God's word and danced while we worshipped God. Some even got to see snow come from the sky for the first time in their young lives. We were reminded of our membership as Christ's body and how we belong to each other. We have a responsibility to share the good news of the Gospel with others. On Saturday night the students stood together with their arms across each other's shoulders. They prayed for the person on their left and right. This experience was a reflection of being united in Christ and how we are to carry one another's burdens. The adult leaders had meaningful cabin times with students discussing the Bible studies. There was growth occurring right in front of our eyes. God was moving through his Spirit in the lives of these young people.

  I know they have been changed by Christ. Please pray for them to have courage and endurance for them to live out their gifts for the sake of others. May they learn to carry one another and spur each other towards Christ.