by Patsy Tallman

When Lana asked me if I would be interested in writing an article about my experience as a relatively new First Presbyterian member, and an even newer Deacon, I did not hesitate.  I didn’t hesitate as I have in the past to throw myself into service at a church that was fairly foreign to me.  Yes, I had been very active and involved at my former place of worship.  And leaving my previous “home church” behind was difficult and sad.  So, I admit I’ve been slow to share my gifts.  Becoming a member at FPC was my first big leap. Accepting a Deacon nomination was an Olympic long jump!  But even I, the slow starter, knew it was time not just to hear the call but actually get off the proverbial couch and commit.

  When we started on the Deacon board, my husband Greg and I were assigned the Food Closet ministry as well as representing LOVE, I.N.C. to the congregation.  Getting a behind-the-scenes look at the Rescue Mission, Evangel Home, Fresno Food Bank and Rescue the Children has been wonderful and enlightening.  Delivering our overflow food from the food closet has put me in touch with beautiful Christ followers who relish the opportunity to share their stories.  Wandering through the tough neighborhoods of our cities touches my heart and has filled me with a need to see more, to seek answers and help for the most vulnerable of our cities.  I am eager and excited to fill boxes of food for our neighbors this December for our Neighbors aRe Us Pantry Food Boxes. Food that will not only fill stomachs, but hearts with love and hope from our congregation. This will be a time to meet and talk with as many folks as I can, to hear their stories and share an afternoon together.

  As much as the Food Closet ministry has helped me grow in my walk with Christ, nothing could have prepared me for my experience with Betty Warren.  Betty was my assigned “In Touch” person.  A lovely lady I had never met and knew nothing about except that she was a senior member of our congregation.  She was in immediate need of help and companionship.  My first visit with Betty was a little awkward for me, but not for her. And what was only intended to be an occasional visit turned into a weekly event.  Talking and laughing and shopping filled our time together.  Something I feared might be difficult turned into a joyful time in which we became very close very quickly.  As grateful as Betty was for my friendship, I was twice as grateful for hers.  Betty has recently moved to the LA area to be closer to her children - a complete blessing for all of them.  I miss her and our time together. God put us two gals together for a reason. Betty needed a little help and I needed a Mom.  My Mom has been gone fo 10 years now and this friendship felt like home. 

  These experiences with Betty and sharing food with those in need has opened my eyes here at First Pres.  God has filled my heart and led me back to a place of service.  God’s voice is a thing I almost feel now, not just sense.  No more hesitation, it’s a waste of time. 

  Lord, let me stay alert and ready and humble and just enough broken that I always jump at your call.

Jump into the Pantry Staples  Food Box Project

Help assemble boxes  9am-12 Friday, Dec. 18. (Lunch served to Friday helpers.)

Or help distribute them 8am-12 Saturday, Dec. 19. All ages welcome. 

Call Suzanne Kimball 281-0847 for more info.