Dear First Pres, 

  When I was a kid summer was my favorite time of year. Summer meant pool parties and staying at a friend’s house for several days at a time. There was no homework which meant I had plenty of time for music, basketball, skateboarding, and of course the occasional video game. I also don’t remember the heat bothering me in the same way it does now. Growing up, this season was a different experience for me than it is now. Although I didn’t know it, it truly was a season of refreshing.

   These days, I’m not sure that I’d always consider it a season of refreshing. Trying to squeeze in the extra activities that I love over the summer comes with a cost. When the swim day ends, or the vacation is over, I know that the tasks I didn’t complete are still at home or at work waiting for me. There is still joy in doing the things I love, but I no longer experience the feeling of an endless summer. 

   As I’ve been listening and reflecting on our “Deeper Still” series, I’ve been wondering what going deeper looks like for me during this season. My routine is thrown off, I’m hot all of the time (which inevitably makes me cranky), and I’m trying to be intentional about doing things that bring refreshment. With all of that, I don’t think I have time or energy to go deeper with the Lord! In my life, this has actually been the key. Because my days feel packed, I am working towards incorporating God into my daily routine more. I don’t need a longer quiet time with Him or to spend more time playing my guitar in worship. For me, going deeper looks like showing gratitude to the Lord and recognizing He’s with me in everything that I do. No, the craziness may not die down and I’ll probably remain hot and cranky. However, in more constant recognition of who God is and what He’s done for me, I am finding a depth with the Lord that I often miss in the craziness of this season. 

   As summer is in full swing, I want to challenge and encourage you to continue to go deeper with the Lord. Something tangible is to pull out that list of summer events here at FPC. Maybe in attending there’s connection there that will help bring a refreshing you need. Most importantly, keep on seeking the Lord in everything as we press in together to go deeper.

In Christ, 

Josh Gillispie