Dear First Pres,

   Did you know that in 2022 we added 44 new members to our church?!? It’s one of the many fun facts that’s included in our church’s 2022 Annual Report. Scroll down to download a digital copy of the report. 

   When I think about the blessing of those 44 new members, I’m reminded that we continue to be in an interesting season of congregational life. First of all, we have new people coming nearly every week. Why do we spend so much time during the announcement videos inviting people to get connected? It’s because just about every week there is someone in our Classic or Modern worship service for the very first time. Praise God for the way He is bringing people to join us in worship. But the reason I think it’s an interesting season is that we also have people coming back to in-person worship after long absences. To those of us who’ve been around FPC for a long time, it’s a happy reunion as folks enter back in. But for those who are new among us, those returnees seem like the newcomers. What an interesting season.

   But here’s the deal. Whether you’re an old-timer, a returnee or a newcomer, let’s make sure that every person is welcomed in the pews around us. If there is someone sitting within a few pews of you who you don’t recognize, make an effort before or after worship to introduce yourself. Don’t start with “Are you new here?” Instead, just start with “Hi. I’m ______. I don’t think we’ve met.” The worst thing that could happen is that they say, “Actually, we’ve met a hundred times.” But then you just ask for forgiveness and say, “It’s so good to see you again.” 

   The local church is like a family, but it’s a very unique family. For example, my family is pretty stable. I’ve had the same parents and brothers my whole life. Yes, the family has grown with marriages and births. But still, it’s been a very slow and steady growth. 

   The local church is different, and it’s meant to be so. Of course, there are people who’ve been part of FPC for a long time. But if you ask them, they’ll tell you that it’s a dynamic community. There are regular deaths and births and marriages. That always changes things. But God also calls some to move to other cities or other churches. Meanwhile, God calls others to join us. So, how do we manage that? We work hard to always make room for new people in our pews, in our Growth Groups, in our ministry teams, and in our lives. This is what it means to be on mission with Jesus.

   So, Beloved, let’s not forget that transformational relationships always start with an introduction and a welcome.

