Dear First Pres,

   It’s day 11 of the 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. I wonder how it is that you are participating. Obviously, much of the way we participate happens in the privacy of our homes or in the midst of our daily lives. A small, but important piece of it is what happens in the daily gatherings for prayer and worship. But with the pandemic and online opportunities, it’s hard to know who is connecting there. So, I’d love for you to consider sharing with someone, for encouragement and support, what it is that you’re doing to participate. Maybe share with your Growth Group or Ministry Team. Or, you can share with me. Send me an email  so that I can be praying for you.

   As I think about my own experience so far, I’ve been more consistent in the fasting than the praying this year. Though the fasting often draws my attention to the Lord, I haven’t been as focused in my prayers as I usually am in this season. So, today I’m making a short list of things that I want to be specifically lifting up to the Lord for the next 10 days. Still, joining in the evening times of prayer and worship has been a great encouragement. The service we hosted here was a tremendous blessing to me. (I know it was for many others as well.) But the services at the other churches have been a huge help in turning my attention to the Lord again and again.

   So, Beloved, consider this a mid-fast encouragement. If you haven’t been participating, why not start now? Don’t let the next 10 days go by without some kind of engagement personally and corporately (online or in-person). I believe God will use it for the purposes He wants to accomplish in you and through you.



Pastor Jeremy