Dear First Pres,

   One of the Lenten resources that I’ve truly appreciated for the last several years is the “Seek God for the City” prayer guide. I appreciate the way that it expands my thinking and praying. By consistently praying through the guide, I am prompted to pray for the whole world. I am prompted to pray for several particular groups or communities of people. And I am prompted to pray in alignment with our vision to see things “in Fresno as it is in Heaven.”

   The theme in the prayer guide for this week has been “seeking Christ’s peace among all peoples.” And today we are prompted to “seek God to calm the storms of war.” I have to say, after watching the news updates last night on what is happening in Ukraine, this was a welcome prayer prompt this am. Just in case you don’t have the prayer guide, here is part of the prayer for today:

   "Intervene in the disputes and struggles of the nations. Subdue the storms of war that roll across the face of the earth. Accomplish what thousands of diplomats can never achieve. Isaiah’s promise (see Isaiah 2:4) speaks of what You will do at the very end of the age. But we dare to ask that in our day You will move to bring an outbreak of peace that will signify the peace of the age to come. Bring an end to the conflicts that trouble our city. Reveal Yourself as the powerful peacemaking King that You are."

   I’m so glad that thousands of Christ followers all over the world are joining in this prayer today. Not only does it remind us of the certain promise of God’s Kingdom, but it also unites us in praying for Christ’s peace.

   One small extension of that peace is the special “above and beyond” offering we are collecting to support ministries to Ukrainian refugees who have fled their country. You can still contribute to EPC's  International Disaster Relief Funds for this purpose. Select "International Disaster Relief" from the drop down menu if giving online or note the same on your check/giving envelope. 

   Whether or not you are able to make a financial contribution, and whether or not you have a copy of the “Seek God for the City” prayer guide, I encourage you to join me and countless believers around the world in praying for Christ’s peace today to calm the storms of war in our world.

