I so enjoyed  the after service brunch this past Sunday! Awesome food, sweet conversations, specialty coffee and even a nice breeze to make patio dining delightful. It's a summer snapshot for which I'm grateful. Let me share a few other snapshots from my summer ... moments I continue to reflect on with gratitude, most of them from the recent Albania Team trip.

Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,

     Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!  I’m anxious to share with you how God was at work during Vacation Bible School last week under the very capable and joyful direction of Cindy Sterling and a VBS team of 50 talented volunteers, many of whom were our gifted youth.

Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,

Remember a few weeks ago during worship, when I said, “If everything goes perfectly we’ll have air conditioning in the Sanctuary on June 14”? Obviously, everything didn’t go perfectly according to plan. Yet, you were champions and made the best of our worship setting in the Fellowship Hall. Thanks for that. That “can do” attitude made a world of difference during these last few weeks.

Dear First Pres,

I’m so grateful for the way that folks made the most of our worship in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday. It was downright fun. Thank you to those who worked so hard during the week to get the room ready for our worship services.  Thank you to our ushers, Link Crew, and worship crew for facilitating such a smooth morning.  And thank you congregation for joyfully worshipping the Lord in an uncommon space.

Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,
