Ashley Wiele shares this report from the Children's Ministry Search Team:

Dear First Pres,

   Please join us in praise and thanksgiving to God for his faithful answer to our prayers! The Children’s Ministry positions have been filled, and we are excited to introduce you to our newest staff members.  

   Sheriahna Irvin is our new Children’s Minister for nursery through fifth grade. In addition to her strong faith in Jesus, Sheriahna brings a passion for teaching as an instructor and director of the Enchanted Playhouse Theater and former teaching associate at Fresno State. As a summer fun aide in Clovis Unified, she taught classes and assisted teachers in their daily programming. In addition to her teaching experience and theater directing she has gained leadership skills through her work on a non-profit board. She comes to us with a clear love of children, and a desire to lead them to faith through meaningful, joyful, creative opportunities to learn and grow as followers of Christ. 

  Sheriahna feels that the Lord has been preparing her for this position. Over the past several months she has been an active part of our community working behind the scenes with cameras for FPC media platforms. Although new to our congregation, she has had the opportunity to observe many children’s ministry activities here, and, in her own words; “...I absolutely adored the friendly atmosphere and how excited the children were. I want to be part of it!” She believes in the importance of supporting children and their families in developing a Gospel-centered worldview, and that this can be accomplished in the community of believers.  As a search team we are excited to see what God will do through Sheriahna in this new position as she brings her vision, initiative, energy and supportive presence.

   Courtney LeBlanc is joining us as our new Preschool Coordinator. As a lifelong believer she has many years of experience volunteering in children’s and youth ministry. In her previous role as a children’s ministry co-coordinator, she developed skills in curriculum implementation, supporting volunteers and teaching our youngest learners. When speaking with her about preschool ministry, her love for Jesus and sharing Him with children and families is evident. She believes that all children can learn about Jesus through hands-on, creative activities in a supportive and safe environment. In addition, it is her desire to build community among our preschool families. Please join us as a search team in welcoming Courtney and praying that the Lord will use her gifts in developing a foundation of faith in Jesus for our children.  

We asked them to introduce themselves ... 

Sheriahna: I am super excited to answer the Lord’s calling and join the FPC staff. I am 27 years old and currently planning a wedding! I am engaged to Michael Anderson, FPC’s Technology Assistant, whom you will find in the tech booth. I grew up in Visalia and moved to Fresno about a year ago. I’ve been attending FPC for a few months, serving on the tech team. You might have seen me walking around with a camera during or after service. I’ve felt God’s presence at First Pres from the first moment I walked in those sanctuary doors, and I am so grateful to Him for answering my prayers for a Church community through you. 

   I love theater and have been in performing arts since I was 2 years old. I am currently teaching theater to children and adults and directing shows with a nonprofit in Visalia called The Enchanted Playhouse Theater Company. I find joy in performance, so it is something I hope to bring to our Children’s Ministry. I am a big fan of all things creative, a few of my favorites being photography and painting. I have a bachelor’s degree in English and Anthropology, and I love teaching. I hope to make the Children's Ministry program a fun and encouraging environment both for our children and volunteers. I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for us. 


 Courtney: I was born and raised in Fresno and very recently moved to Madera Ranchos. I grew up in the church and gave my life to Jesus when I was seven years old. Over the last 15 years I have served and worked in various areas of ministry but the preschool age group has always had my heart. My husband LJ and I have been married for almost 8 years and have three amazing kids together.

   I am so excited for the honor of shepherding the littles here at First Presbyterian Church. My desire as the Preschool Ministry Coordinator is to help bring the Gospel and love of Jesus to life for the children in our care; as well as help parents feel encouraged and equipped to do the same.