Dear First Pres, 

   I grew up in church. I know that wasn’t the reality for all of you. And I know that for some of you, growing up in church was a painful experience. But for me it was an incredible blessing. Woodlake Presbyterian Church (now known as Cornerstone Woodlake) is a community that deeply shaped my life. And it all started in the children's ministry. 
  We weren’t a big church. There weren’t tons of kids in my classes. The rooms where we met were plain and a bit tattered. The leaders were simply church members who loved the Lord and wanted us to know Him. It was in that context that I put my faith in Jesus. 
  As I got a little older, I participated in our children’s choir. We were called the “Sonshine Singers” (catchy, huh?). It was in the midst of that children’s choir as an elementary student that I first sensed what it was to be used by God.
Sunday School, summer camp, children’s choir, and vacation Bible school were deeply formative experiences in my understanding of the Good News of Jesus.  I’m incredibly grateful for that blessing. But, I don’t share that just to remember how things were in the “good ol’ days.” Behind each of those experiences that shaped my faith were volunteers. Behind each of those experiences were Christian adults who knew my name and cared about how I was doing. Behind each of those experiences were people who were obviously figuring things out in their own walks with Christ, but in the midst of that, were sharing Christ with me. For each of those people, too many to name here, I give great thanks to the Lord. 

   Helping our kids know Christ and serve Him forever is one of the most important things we do as a congregation. Raising kids in Christ together is one of the greatest blessings of the church family. It’s not just something that the young families do, it’s something that we all do together.

   And, right now, we could use some more servants to help lead this important ministry. We need people who are willing to jump in 3 or 4 times this summer to help cover the summer months (both in preschool and elementary). We need people who are willing to be leaders at Summer Swim Studies in support of our incoming Summer Staff.  We need City Bible Adventure leaders for the week of July 24-28. And, we need people who are willing to join the teams for shared leadership in Sunday morning classes for next school year. 

   Are you willing to serve our kids? Do you want to be part of a team that God uses to make a lifelong impact? I trust you do. Obviously, for child safety, there is a process to join this ministry. It takes a bit to get folks equipped as Children’s Ministry leaders. So, I encourage you to reach out to Pastor Meagan this week. 
Of course, I would be remiss to not give a huge shout out to those who are currently serving. Thank you so much for our existing volunteers and staff (especially Interim Children’s Minister, Stephen Goodale). I am so grateful for you. May the Lord encourage you and use you in powerful ways.


