Dear First Pres, 

   “Jesus took her by the hand and said to her, 'Talitha koum!' (which means 'Little girl, I say to you, get up!'). Immediately the girl stood up and began to walk around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished.”  Mark 5:41-42

   In this passage, Jesus intimately heals and restores a girl’s life. If you need to be reminded of Jesus’ gentleness and how he meets people of all ages, read any of the passages in scripture where Jesus meets and cares for children. There is a beautiful picture of how Jesus cares for all of his children -which means you- no matter what age!

   YES, Jesus loves children! This week I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing children light up when they begin to understand who Jesus is to them. City Bible Adventure is a wonderful glimpse into God’s kingdom reality on earth. Jesus receives children graciously and joyfully. It is an absolute joy to be amongst a STELLAR group of volunteers loving on Pre-K through 5th Grade students. This year the theme is “Stellar” and the Fellowship Hall has completely transformed into an intergalactic space station.

   One of my favorite things about CBA is how it embodies our ethos of partnership. All week we have enjoyed partnering with Hope Now, Martin Park, Bethany Inner-City Church, World Impact, and FPC to host CBA activities. We continue to experience the reality that we are better together. We have over 70 volunteers working throughout this week in all of these areas: Registration Team, Food Teams from local ministry partners, Crew Leaders, Pre-K Coordination & Team, Station Leaders, Nursery Leaders, Media Team, and Summer Staff.  Are you one of those stellar volunteers? THANK YOU so much for loving God and loving others well this week.

   JOIN US IN PRAYER as Thursday night is a pretty special time at CBA. Jesus’ story of redemption will be shared during the Bible Story station and the students will have an opportunity to respond at the large group wrap up time. Please pray for the hearts and minds of the children and leaders. May they experience all the love Jesus has for them and may they respond to Jesus who heals and restores all of life. We are hoping to SHINE for JESUS and see him transform lives!

   As we prepare for Sunday, what story of God’s transformation and healing in your life can you intentionally share with others? Evangelism can be a bit intimidating, but when we offer our lives to follow after Jesus, He often shows up in big ways. May we be people of great faith, who humbly receive Jesus’ gift of healing and are astonished at all He is capable of doing. I pray we walk with courage, humility, and great compassion, and experience anew the love of God that changes everything. 


Pastor Meagan