Dear First Pres, 

   Sometimes people ask me why we have two different services with two different styles of worship. It wasn’t always the case at FPC Fresno. Some of our congregation can remember when the services were exactly the same. Some of the congregation can remember the long process that led up to starting a new style of worship and the hard work the church leaders did to prepare the congregation for the change. So, why all the fuss?

   The simple answer, then and now, is this: to reach more people with the good news of Jesus.

   Sure, the entire congregation could fit in our sanctuary for one service (that’s what we’re planning for on Sunday at 9:30), but by having two service times we open up twice as many opportunities for someone to join us in worship. Sure, we could simplify things if we made both services exactly the same, but by creating two different styles of worship services we have the opportunity to connect with different kinds of people.

   Now, some of you might say, “Ah, c’mon Jeremy, you know that we have two distinct styles of worship just to keep the church people happy.” There is an element of truth to that. If the “church people” really don’t enjoy what’s happening in worship services they aren’t likely to keep coming, and they're even less likely to invite a friend who is exploring Christian faith. As soon as we start making decisions just to keep us in the church happy, we run the risk of getting off mission.

   The people of God have always been given the purpose of living on mission to the world. Of course, we do that as a caring community with one another. The Bible calls us to love one another in Christ Jesus. And we’re called to love one another while making disciples of all nations. So, when it comes to the style of worship (which is primarily about the music and the feel of the service, not the theological underpinnings) we ask two questions: What style(s) of worship will connect with our neighbors? And, what style(s) of worship do we have the resources to accomplish?

   Neither of those questions are about what we, the members of the church, prefer. Our calling as a congregation isn’t to design services and ministries for ourselves. Our calling is to work together as a community in Christ to be disciples who are making disciples. Our calling, as our fourfold mission articulates, is to love God, love our neighbors, make disciples and pursue shalom. So, all that to say, our decisions about our Sunday morning schedule and styles of worship should always be driven by the mission God has given us as a congregation to invite others into His matchless grace in Christ Jesus.

   One of the great risks of having two different styles of worship is that it can become a divide in the life of the congregation. It’s easy for people to forget that their preferred style of worship is just a preference, so it’s easy to look down our noses at the folks who worship in the other service. It’s easy to get locked into “your” service and forget that there is another group of folks who are also FPC Fresno. It’s easy for two services to become two congregations.

   That’s why Super Sunday is an important day. As we invite everyone to be in the Sanctuary together this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for one (short) worship service, it’s an opportunity for us to be reminded that we are one congregation. As we participate in the annual meeting together we remember that we are one congregation who share the same mission and vision. We’re one congregation who longs to see God’s Kingdom in Fresno as it is in heaven.

   So, this Sunday, will you celebrate and practice that oneness with me? Will you show up at an unusual time and stay longer than usual?

   I pray you will because I believe this is one of the most enriching Sundays of the year. I mean, it’s “Super Sunday” after all.  


