Dear First Pres,

   Wow! It truly was a Super Sunday. No, I’m not talking about the football game, I’m talking about our fantastic combined worship service and Annual Meeting. If you missed the meeting (or the service) I encourage you to watch or listen to the recordings. You can find recordings of both the meeting and worship service on our YouTube channel or you can listen to the sermon on our FPC Fresno Sermons podcast. 

   Even if you were there for the meeting, because there was so much great content, you may have missed a few things. So, I’ve asked Pastor Meagan, Josh Gillispie, and Ronnie Samuelian to include a condensed version of their report in today’s letter.

Pastor Meagan Kroeker (Assistant Pastor for Children and Youth)

   My vision for Children’s and Youth Ministry at FPC is for us to see and experience God’s grace in tangible ways and share this good news with children and youth so that their lives may be transformed by a deep relationship with Jesus. May children and youth come to know the everlasting love of Jesus and live into the call God has on their life. Our hope is for them to reflect more and more the image of Jesus everyday. 

   How can you be a part of what God is doing? 

  • Pray. Prayers slowly and gently align our hearts with Jesus and his ways. Let’s make room for the Holy Spirit to lead and equip us as we pray for: (1) The Children’s Ministry Search Team as they discern who God is calling to be our next FPC Children’s Minister. Pray for energy, clarity, and for Jesus to prepare the heart of that person. (2) We are also in the process of hiring a new Ministry Assistant for Ignite Ministry. Join us in praying for provision in leadership and discipleship of young people. 

  • Get involved. We invite you to say “yes” to something. Most importantly, say “yes” to Jesus. In what ways is God calling you to serve? 

  • Lastly- tell the story! How is Jesus transforming lives today? We all witness God at work but I invite you to slow down, reflect, give God praise, and tell others about Jesus’s faithfulness in your life.

Josh Gillispie (City Engagement and Modern Worship Minister)

   Imagine with me a church that’s vibrant, full of God’s Spirit, helpful to the community, not hurtful, and a safe place for people in need. Wouldn’t that be awesome? Our mission is to be a church that is actively loving God, loving neighbors, making disciples, and pursuing shalom. I believe that city engagement goes hand in hand with that. What exactly is city engagement from my perspective? 

   It’s not programs, it’s not hosting an event, and it’s not a church growth strategy. City engagement is the church (me and you) engaging our city with gospel intentionality every time we leave our house. It’s looking for Kingdom opportunities at our workplaces and listening to His Holy Spirit. It’s looking for Kingdom opportunities at our children’s (or grandchildren’s/niece’s/nephew’s) schools or being a part of things that are existing within our community, and coming with an understanding that we have something that people need. We have Jesus and people need Jesus. We will have opportunities to engage with our downtown neighbors in a meaningful way as we grow in this, but let’s imagine beyond that. The city needs what you have, and that’s Jesus. So let’s rethink how we engage with our city in meaningful ways together. 

Ronnie Samuelian (Operations Commissioner)

   2022 expenditures were below budget even with some unexpected facility repairs and increased costs.  However, giving for 2022 was below expenditures. With health insurance and cost of goods and services increasing like they have for all of us, discussions with Session were whether or not we should set the budget near last year's giving, or as a growing congregation, could we go further? We decided to take a step of faith and set the 2023 budget about 5% over last year's expenditures, but an increase of about 10% over last year's giving. A step of faith. So three things:

  1. Thank You for your faithful giving.  Giving has continued to increase over the last few years, and your giving continues to provide for the ministry and mission of First Pres

  2. If you give online, please be sure to renew your giving this year, and help cover the online payment expense.  

  3. For those of us that can, please consider increasing your giving this year.

Beloved, God is on the move in our midst. What does it look like for you to step into the stream of His moving? How is the Lord calling you to serve, give and step out in the mission of Jesus? 

May the Lord lead us.



P.S. Are considering saying yes to the invitation to join me this summer for the Biblical Tour of Israel? If so, please come to our group meeting 4pm THIS Sunday, February 19, in the The Commons. It’s for those already registered and everyone considering this transformative experience. I’ll be leading the group with Dr. Brian Schultz June 12-24. Click HERE for details and registration.