Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,

     I hope, by now, you can string at least part of our church’s purpose statement together.  Let’s take a mental quiz right now.  Our purpose is to __?

Dear First Pres,
     The last few Sundays I've been preaching about the biblical foundations that undergird our new church Purpose Statement. 

Dear First Pres,

This last week I launched a new sermon series called Being Church on Purpose. If you haven't heard much about our church's new purpose statement, I hope you will make it a priority to be in worship as we examine some of the Scripture texts that have inspired our purpose: to engage together in Christ's work of making disciples for the redeeming transformation of our city and world.

Dear First Pres,

A few Sundays back, we held a First Pres Forum. Many of you were there, but I realized this week that I never gave much of a report back to the rest of the congregation about that meeting. Thus, today’s FPC Weekly letter is a brief summary of the Forum.

     Last night I was privileged to gather with other parents for a special meeting designed just for us.  Craig Blodgett, our Student Ministries Director, organized the meeting to provide space for parents to connect in, share, and process our grief of Thomas Harabedian's death.  Jay Pope, who has a PhD in Clinical Psychology, also shared some great information about suicide, depression, and adolescence (thanks, Jay).  It was really an important time for parents to connect and pray together for the Harabedians, our church, and our families.
