Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,

   Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!

   It was a wonderful morning of worship on Sunday morning. The music was fantastic. The testimony was powerful. And the Risen Lord drew people to Himself. Hallelujah!

Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,

Dear First Pres,

   Consider this a Lent check-in. How is Lent going for you? Did you choose to fast from anything? Did you choose to add any spiritual disciplines? Have you been using the Seek God for the City prayer guide? How have you experienced the Lord in this special season? What is God doing in you?

Dear First Pres,

   Here are three reasons I believe every man in our church should do his best to attend the Men of Faith Conference March 29 - 30.

    1. Pastor Joe White is an excellent communicator with an important God-given message for us. I know some of you helped to raise Joe up in our church, but he's not "just a kid" any more. He is on the leading edge of developing a congregation that is truly making a huge impact in its neighborhood. I guarantee, if our hearts are open to it, God will use Joe to speak to our hearts in a powerful way.

Dear First Pres,

 On Sunday I announced an important new team in our congregation. We now have a group of folks who are trained to be Circle of Care leaders. As I said on Sunday, a Circle of Care is a one-time gathering focused on one person who is struggling with any kind of issue. The purpose of the Circle of Care gathering is for that person to share their story, be heard, and experience the love of Christ in a safe, prayerful community. The goal is for the care receiver to know the healing of Christ in the context of Christ's community.

Dear First Pres,
