Dear First Pres,

  "Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures." Psalm 119: 90 

   God's faithfulness endures through the generations. Have you reflected lately on the faith of those who have impacted your journey with Jesus? Recently concluding a summer course on Reformed Theology, thoughts of legacy linger in my mind. The significant influence of John Calvin from the 15th century has shaped my knowledge of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Even further back, the faith of those early Christ followers such as Paul or Timothy  have paved the way for the world to know the good news of salvation in Jesus. God has made himself known to us through the generations by God's faithful people. The Holy Spirit continues to reveal and deepen the reality of God's abundant love and life in Jesus. In my teen years staff from Youth for Christ as well as a local Youth Pastor spoke God's word of grace and promise over me. God called me out of the mud and mire and set my feet on a solid rock, through the compassion and love shown by these believers. My faith in Jesus continues to be shaped by fellow believers here at First Pres and all over the world. We strengthen each other by joining together to study God's word, pray, and meet one another in our sufferings and joys. 

   Ron and Sheree Dull have been a significant part of "fanning into flame the gift of faith" among generations of believers here at FPC. After 32+ years of serving as Jr High Youth Leaders (Advisors), they are following God into a new season of life. We are beyond grateful for their many years of making disciples. They have literally sweated alongside students in countless service projects. They have studied God's word and prayed with students. They have  put their own money and time into sustaining the ministry of Jr High students through times of transition, hardship, and celebration. They remind me of God's faithful love for his church and the importance of serving in community. I am personally thankful for their service, while also hearing countless testimonies of so many others who have experienced their love and care. If you see them around give them a hug and share your gratitude. We sure are gonna miss them, although they aren't going very far! They continue to lend support, as seen by many of you the Fireworks Booth. Thank you, Ron and Sheree, for your faithful commitment to Christ's love and work in the lives of youth and families! 

    So who has impacted your faith by their faithful journey after Jesus? Would you like to be a part of God's work in his people for generations here at FPC?  If you are not already serving, I pray you take some time to discern how God may be equipping you to be involved. We are highlighting a different ministry every week at the Get Plugged In table, inviting you to share your love and gifts with others. What will your legacy be? 

Director of Junior High Ministries