Dear First Pres,

When some people hear the phrase "Annual Meeting" they think, "boring" or "worst idea ever" or "not for me." But those thoughts couldn't be further from the truth. And, I hope you'll join me for our 2019 FPC Annual Meeting on Sunday at 9:30am so you can see for yourself.
    Here are a few glimpses into our agenda that I hope will whet your appetite to be there.

Outstanding Service Award. We have so many wonderful servants in the life of our congregation. I can't wait for you to celebrate with us this year's recipients of the Outstanding Service Award.
Acknowledging Oscar Rodriguez. After 10 years on our staff, Oscar is transitioning into full-time ministry with Martin Park Ministries. We want to thank him for his work on staff and pray him into this new season.
New Officers and Nominating Committee. The only vote we'll be taking is for the call of our new Ruling Elders, Deacons, and Nominating Committee members. Praise God for these servants! (view list here)
Testimony. I know you're going to be blessed as several voices share how God has been at work in and through them.
Looking to 2019. The Annual Meeting is a great time to learn about some of the exciting opportunities of 2019 and beyond.

This is going to be fun. It truly is a Super Sunday.
