Join FPC and Congregations across Fresno & Clovis in this 21 Day All City New Year Fast January 8-28, 2018

This is an opportunity for us, the Church, to come together in prayer for:

  • Unity
  • Repentance
  • Revival

There will be an End of Fast Celebration 5 - 6pm Sunday, January 28 at Cornerstone Church.

This year area churches are providing a Prayer & Worship Service every night during the fast at various churches throughout our community. Check the daily schedule below for a listing of times and locations of each nightly service.

Nightly Prayer & Worship Service Schedule.pdf

About Prayer and Fasting

What is Fasting?

   Giving up food or something special for a spiritual purpose.

Why Fast?

   God desires relationship with us. He is chiefly interested in our trust and obedience. He is the object of our motivation. Fasting seems to be an expression of our desire to seek and please Him. Fasting displays to God that He is more important than even food.

   Fasting works! Prayer and fasting seem to work in synergy. Once when the disciples failed to exorcise demons, Jesus explained that in such instances, prayer and fasting were required. Fasting seems to move God to action. Of course, this does not mean that we can manipulate God by fasting. But for some reason, there are times God desires us to underline our requests with fasting.

Why Pray?

   Communication is a vital component in every kind of relationship. We all know this. God wants to be on an open line with us every moment of every day. We can communicate need, thanks, praise and emotion as well as receive warning, affirmation and wisdom at any moment.

   For some mysterious reason, at times, God wants our requests before mobiliz-ing His resources into action. Our prayers are effective.

What Kind of Fast Will You Choose?

   There are several kinds of fasts, and there is no formula for determining which kind of fast or duration is appropriate for you. Here are three Biblical examples of food fasting:

Absolute Fast

   Taking in nothing including water. This is extreme and should not be attempted without first talking to your doctor.

Normal Fast

   Withholding food, but not liquids like water and juices to maintain strength and electrolytes.

Partial Fast

   In the Bible, Daniel and his companions ate vegetables and water, but not the King’s meat and sweets. This may be more appropriate if you have certain health issues. Giving up chocolate or some other favorite food item is another partial fast.

Other Ways to Fast

   You can also refrain from any activity that normally occupies you: TV, Social Media, Video Games, etc. 

While You Fast, Devote Extra Time to:

  • Reading God’s word
  • Praying
  • Focusing on God
  • Worshiping
  • Serving/Helping Others

Motives Matter

   A particular danger in fasting is that our God-centered motives can be tainted by a desire to draw attention to our self and impress others. Jesus cautions us to let our fast be between us and God as much as possible. We know He sees our heart and is never fooled. (See Isaiah 58)

History & Scriptures 

   The practices of praying and fasting can be found in both the Old & New Testaments. Before Jesus began his public ministry he fasted for 40 days. You can find other instances of fasting in the following scriptures.

Special thanks to Northpark Church for this fasting resource.